Friday, January 26, 2007

Sin City (2005) Directed by Frank Miller, Quentin Tarentino and Roger Rodriguez

A film that explores the dark and miserable southern town Basin City and tells the story of three different people, all caught up in the violent corruption of the city.

Female characters:

Nancy Callahan - Aged 11 she was kidnapped and almost raped, but Hartigan (the main character who was nearly 50 at the time) saved her. She ends up working as an exotic dancer in a bar and falls in love with Hartigan when he is released from prison after being falsely accused of her kidnapping.

Miho - She works in Old Town (a prostitute town) and is their assasin. She is represented as being strong as she is a very skilled assassin and she alone is good enough to keep all the prostitutes defended.

Becky - One of the many prostitutes in the movie. There are 20 female characters in the movie and 16 are prostitutes. Becky is represented as being a weak. She betrays the other prostitutes.

Goldie - She is shown as a femme fetale type character who spends the night with one of the main characters, Marv. Marv falls in love with her and goes on a huge revenge kick after she is killed. She is shown as the beautiful, helpless victim

Shellie - She's the victim of domestic violence.

Gail - Represented as someone who should be feared. She's the leader of the prostitutes. She's very harsh and violent.

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